Can Stress Affect Your Fertility?

Yes, our bodies can shift into a state that prevents conception during periods of excessive stress. The hormone adrenaline, released during stressful times, signals that conditions in the body are not ideal for pregnancy. Adrenaline inhibits the use of progesterone, a hormone essential for fertility. Additionally, it causes the pituitary gland to release higher levels […]

Can Stress Affect Your Fertility?

Yes, our bodies can shift into a state that prevents conception during periods of excessive stress. The hormone adrenaline, released during stressful times, signals that conditions in the body are not ideal for pregnancy. Adrenaline inhibits the use of progesterone, a hormone essential for fertility. Additionally, it causes the pituitary gland to release higher levels […]

Why Do Women Experience Decreased Ovarian Reserves at an Early Age?

Environmental toxins, including pesticides, herbicides, cigarette smoke, and chemicalsExposure to a virusChromosomal disorders, including Turner Syndrome and X SyndromeGenetic predisposition, which accounts for approximately 10% of cases in some familiesChemotherapy and radiation therapies are among the leading causes of ovarian depletion.